Thursday, October 21, 2010

Our Wedding Rings

October 19, 2001 - Marlon and I tied the knots together and promised to stay TWO-gether in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, till death do us part...

Last October 19, 2010 was the 1st wedding anniversary to commemorate without Dadi Marlon. It's been quite a while that I no longer wear our wedding ring. Until last Oct. 19, 2010 I thought of wearing it again as I wanted to celebrate that myself in my own little way. I was wearing my wedding ring on my right hand and Marlon's wedding ring on my left hand. I have a shift that night. As usual I came to work earlier. I still have 2 hours to wait for my shift so I went to the sleeping quarters to take a nap. I took off the "rings" from my hands because I have to dub myself some lotion onto my arms and legs to soothe myself and give me warmth as it was too cold in the sleeping quarters.

When I woke up I rushed to the Production Floor and race with the other agents for a station. Thank God I found one. While I was on a call, I noticed something on my hands. Oh, our wedding RINGS! Suddenly, I felt bad about ME being so forgetful to wear it back after putting on some lotion onto my arms and legs. Partly, my focus on a call was divided with a thought that I should go back at the sleeping quarters on my first break.

Waiting for my first break was all in my mind and it seems 10 years of waiting. Finally, 1st break has come and off I went to the sleeping quarters as fast as I can and I only have 15 minutes to do the searching. I've already used up my 5 minutes from logging off to walk-and-run up to the Sleeping Quarters. Checking on Bed#3 there was someone sleeping so I reported to the Security Guard in-charged that I left our wedding "rings" on Bed #3. Another 5 minutes has lapsed so I only have last 5 minutes to go back at the Production Area to make calls again and wait for my EOS (end of shift).

I was just on time. I was happy because Joyce was sitting right next to me. I told her about our "wedding rings" and she suggested that I should really go back for it. We had a nice chit chat.

Last month I made some preparations for this occasion. I made a movie file to commemorate our togetherness. A team mate of mine named Osh helped me in scanning some of the pics. I even showed the rough draft of that movie file to Mavic and Joyce through my cellphone as I love the song "Keep Holding On" by Avril Lavigne. But while I was trying to retrieve the movie file, i can't find it. That's weird because I just watched it over and over a week ago with Marsie. I couldn't sleep nor eat. I hated myself and all that. Where could it be? How come?

Thoughts running on my head while on a call. I lost our RINGS and I lost the MOVIE FILE. What does it mean? Do I really have to let go of my emotions? Am I truly have recovered? Have I really MOVED ON? I know these questions will soon be answered in God's time.

Right after shift Joyce and I hang out for a while. Joyce was craving for twister fries so we went to McDo. Unfortunately, it will be served at 10:30am. It was only 7am and we can't wait that long. So we ended up at Bread Talk. We had a hearty talk again and enjoyed the rest of our time together.

We parted ways at 9am.

The thought of going home without our RINGS kept on lingering over my head. So I went back to Stellar to check it once again. I went to the Security Guard post and asked if somebody has reported to have found 2 wedding RINGS. The guard-on-duty said nobody does. And I checked on the log book, there were 2 people have slept at bed #3 after me. So, I worried so much maybe one of them has gotten it already. I asked permission from the guard-on-duty to check bed # 3 as there was nobody sleeping on it. The guard helped me and he even opened the lights on for me to have a better look on the bed.

My heart leaps as I found my ring with LON carved on it. It was lying next to the pillow. But where is the other one? I searched. I flipped the pillow, none. I checked on the bed cover - none. Last thought came up on my head was to flip the foam. It was heavy so it was the last resort. Thinking of leaving the quarters but I really have to make sure that I have examined all the corners and angles of bed # 3 before declaring that the other ring has gone for good.

I gave it another try to flip the heavy URATEX foam myself. The guard on duty has left me alone and I can't ask for his hand to help me. Flipping it was no joke. The Sleeping Quarters is an air-conditioned room but I felt some sweat running onto my forehead. At last I was able to flip it and have it lean onto the wall. I noticed a shimmering light coming from the darkest corner of the bed. I took a closer look at it and it was the other ring with a carved name SUZI. I was very happy and I uttered, "now my day is complete.... if I can't find the movie file I will make another one much better this time".

The guard-on-duty saw me at once as I went out of the sleeping quarters. He could see at the look on my face that I have found the rings. He asked me why did I left the rings? I gave him a brief answer and he smiled.

I rushed off and texted Joyce at once that I found the rings.

Going home makes me thank God while I was on a bus. This is my favorite part every time I'm going home. A bus ride home - praying and talking to God about me, my family, my friends, the country, my work, etc. A time to be with HIM is the best time for me to CRY and pour my heart out.

My questions were answered. The answer is YES I AM. By God's grace, He's able to make me strong no matter how big or small my challenges are.

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