Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Our Journey Two-Gether

Our Journey Two-Gether
Updated last January 30, 2017 (Friday)

We officially have November 25, 2010 as mark of our commitment to love each other. When we met, we were both "broken". I came from a loss of my husband due to colon cancer and you have lots of unnecessary burdens that you kept on carrying with you. We're not perfect. There are times that we were hurting each other unintentionally.

I seriously fell in love with you because of your BIG HEART to help others through your "martial arts". And you were struck with my advocacy of "health is wealth". When we talk about our passion that's when all our differences were eradicated. No amount of fights and quarrels can break us apart when we talk about our "passion".

But things don't go smoothly between us all the time. And there was a time when we both gave up. I still remember telling you about God to take control of your life as I can't handle things between us anymore. I told you that I can't hate you enough no matter how painful your LOVE is because I believe in YOU.

When we parted ways, I cried to God so hard and prayed:

"Lord, please come between us. I love him so much and I believe he is a GREAT MAN. I know someday he will be GREAT because he has a BIG HEART to help people. Please TRANSFORM his HEART into your likeness. I believe that every great man is a WOMAN. Lord, let me be the WOMAN behind this great MAN. Lord, let him be the man to be exactly as you want him to be."

As I prayed these words, I entrusted everything unto the Lord. I stopped demanding things about our relationship and just kept on pushing you to move forward to pursue your passion for Guru Mike 101 Kenka System Club. You appointed me as the president of GM 101 which really didn't give me any choice. I was happy to see you slowly growing and becoming a GREAT MAN of Guru Mike 101 Kenka System. I am so proud of you that you were able to have black belters already. You dreamed of producing one thousand black belters before you die. Though you were not able to meet your target, but you were able to pass your FIRE to your faithful disciples namely: Jerry, John Paul, and Nikki. Rest assured that your one thousand black belters will be accomplished soon.

We are best buddies in so many things. We both love to watch movies, laugh out loud, brain storming about life, sharing inspirational stories, eat good and healthy foods, and many more. We function well as partners with advocacy of health is wealth. I pushed you on the spiritual side and you pushed me to be reminded of being a good example of our advocacy. You pushed me so hard to train and workout for my health.

We have different religious beliefs but we never lose the RESPECT and LOVE for each other. I never forced you to join me and you never forced me either. And so, when you told me that you were being baptized on March 27, 2016, I was really shocked. I asked which church and the name of your pastor. You said it's Cornerstone Baptist Church with Pastor Roland. To my surprise, this pastor is the same pastor who prayed over my sick husband before. I uttered a prayer unto the Lord, thanking Him how GREAT God is. Thanking God in leading YOU to His flock in His own TIME and in His own WAY.

From then on, I knew that YOU are in good hands already. The changes in your LIFE is becoming significant and obvious to anyone you meet. I myself have seen you GROWN in the LORD. You even told me that now you already understand why I was giving my tithes for the church. And I teased you that you might become a pastor and you said, "Malay mo." That moment you gave me a 100% KILIG.

The last time we saw each other was when we celebrated our last 74th monthsary together. I can vividly remember how you surprised me and called me on the phone at around 9:30pm of Jan 25, 2017, and said, "Mahal, buksan mo ung gate. Anong ulam mo dyan? Happy monthsary. Kala mo hindi na ako pupunta noh." I was teary-eyed when I saw you. You hugged me tightly and kissed me the usual way. And the usual pang-aasar of yours followed our sweet conversation. But that was you. You were never sweet with words. But you were the best to make me KILIG and for showing your LOVE in action.

That night was very memorable as we were all happy: You, Marsie and I. You never had an argument with Marsie and you had a good chit-chat with her. Though I was very busy with my paperworks, I would always make TIME for you whenever you're around. I always cherish every moment when we are together. We were able to plan a lot of things for Guru Mike 101 Kenka System. You even asked me to draw the gym/recreation area/educational area/healthy cafeteria/hobby computer lab/meditation area/book room/multi purpose halls - building that you are dreaming of. It's all written in my notebook. Though it was not precise, but somehow it shows all the interest of your loved ones and for all the people you cared for.

The cafeteria is for JM. The hobby computer room for Gelo and Amir. The educational area is for all your students who needs academic assistance where I can be of help. The book room is for everyone where Marsie can help to encourage people to read and speak English. The gym is for GM 101 where you can train more black belters. The meditation area is for everyone's access where anyone can come and pray whatever religion they may have. The recreation area is for everyone who is passionate about any sports where you can train them for sports conditioning and strength training.

If I would recall 3 years ago, we had this kind of plan before but you were full of "if" and "buts". But that night, you were full of POSITIVISM.

I want to THANK you from the bottom of my HEART that you were the one who gave me the inspiration to start TLC Tutorial Center. You encouraged me to do this as you will channel your students to TLC. You started by teaching my students for FREE and then you came up with the idea that Cris Joy or anyone from the group can help me as assistant tutors. In that way, I can help them earn money for their schooling, etc. That was indeed a BRILLIANT idea that we have discussed the night of our 74th monthsary.

The following day was just like another ordinary day. The usual day that you need to go back home. And you mentioned that you need to attend the Thursday Bible Study. Then you reminded me to attend church, as I never attend church often anymore than you do. I was really overwhelmed and felt God's deep conviction in me to go back to church.

You kissed me the "warmest" and "hugged" me so tight. You were bragging about your body as it was getting better. And I confirmed that you are indeed so "gwapo". I even told you, "You are gorgeously hot today". I kissed your macho arms and your armpit. You giggled and hated me doing the armpit kiss. I had no idea that it would be our last:
- workout together
- sweet-little-nothing-arguments
- asaran blues
- movie marathon
- dinner
- breakfast
- happy moments
- hug
- kiss
- goodbye
- I love you
- cry


You life quote is "Life is 10% and how you react to it is 90%. You indeed spent the remaining 10% of your life to heed God's Calling for you. You are a finisher of your RACE. Your GOOD example is worthy to be followed.

Forgetting what lies behind
Setting our hearts on the prize
Always keeping our eyes on our lord Jesus
We're running the race to win
All the way to the end
Laying down every sin
That would seek to hinder us

And we'll be faithful to our calling
For you are able to keep us from falling
For in your promise
We will trust
We'll be faithful to finish the work you began in us