Friday, September 4, 2009

God's BIG Hand

God's hand has never gone short in showing forth his glory. Marlon was diagnosed with Colon Cancer last July 4, 2009. The doctors advised surgery as soon as possible to prevent the widespread of the cancer cells to differenct parts of his body. In times like these, we can no longer imagine how are we going to survive it. Knowing the fact that our finances are short and it's gonna be hard for us to accept it.

July 4, 2009 - I attended the Star Wars Sports Fest Opening 2009 of Stellar Global Solutions Philippines. I participated the Pump It Up dance contest to represent the Blue Team Pegasus. We won! I really enjoyed the Dance Revolution arcade with Randy, Ole, CM, etc. I also tried wall climbing with Joyce and Amy. Marsie, Mammoth and Daye were supposed to be with me at the opening unfortunately, Marlon was very sick by then and I have to cut my time with my friends. My officemates Garo, Randy and Roma gave me their food stamps for Marsie. It was fun and we had picture taking with TM Nes, Mae, Andie, Sam and TM Nes' son. While having fun, I've been receiving text messages from Marlon that he's asking to me go home before lunch time. I just maximized my time with my friends and had a little talk with Apple about Marlon's condition. She comforted me and I cried on her shoulders because I knew that when I get back home in Marikina, I would be facing a more serious problem. (to be continued)


susivic said...
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susivic said...

My in-laws were helping us financially for his lab tests, ct scan, ecg, colonoscopy, etc.

Until one day, my sister in law told me that after the lab tests she can no longer help us. She said that "not all of marlon's medication will be coming from her and the money of papa is reserved for future use." It sounded like they are backing off and would leave the rest of the expenses to me. I honestly told my sis-in-law that I won't be able to shoulder the expenses for a mere reason that I'm the sole earner in the family. Come to think I have a 6 year old daugher who's going to school.

She was firm with her words that she no longer help us financially.

I was too worried and the best thing that I can do that time was PRAY hard and have faith in HIM.