Monday, November 30, 2009


My husband has a colon cancer and he's now at stage 3. Marriage is indeed through thick and thin, in richer or poorer, in SICKNESS or in health, till DEATH do us part...

I can't help it but share with you what I'm undergoing right now. for me it's a sigh of relief whenever E share to anyone how God has been very faithful to us even from the very first day we've learned that he has cancer.

We have NOTHING in our HANDS in terms of material or monies. Doctors advised he has to undergo Radiotherapy after his Open-Close Surgery (literally means they just opened his tummy, looked what's inside, then they closed it).

Deep inside me, I know that he's gonna live long than what the doctors told me that he has 4 years to live or less. I had a hard time to tell him honestly his real condition. I kept on kneeling and asking God to give me wisdom on how to handle such a situation.

God is indeed my HELPER in times of NEED, my COMFORTER and FRIEND, my PROVIDER, our HEALER - and our FATHER.

While my husband is in extreme PAIN, the hardest part for me to do is encourage him to THANK GOD amidst his PAIN. And he was very responsive and THANKED GOD for giving him STRENGTH to bear the PAIN and for giving him a STRONG SPIRIT to GO ON. This is how we started our prayer life together as husband and wife....then as a FAMILY....

First instance we prayed together WHOLEHEARTEDLY in TEARS, he was lying in bed crying out so loud in PAIN while I was kneeling right beside him holding his hands...

Then he was seated with less pain while I was kneeling right beside him holding his hands...

Then he was seated straight without pain while I was sitting right beside him holding his hands...

Then he was standing up without pain while I was standing next to him holding his hands....

Then both of us seated at a breakfast table with our 6 year old daughter, still thanking GOD.

Now, since he's no longer capable of working I'm now the sole bread winner in the family...

Financially, it's a BURDEN for me to handle such a great need to provide food in the table, provide for his needs, my needs and our daughter's needs. But it was never been a STRUGGLE when it comes to finances, because we were being strengthened by our DAILY PRAYERS to help us to be STRONG in FAITH and to have WISDOM on how to deal with our daily NEEDS. And we've learned SACRIFICE is the key to make us live. My daughter has experienced SACRIFICE as well at her tender age. We've learned to CUT DOWN WANTS and prioritize NEEDS above all things.

Hope this short story of mine makes your day SMILE and THANK GOD too for whatever YOU STILL HAVE. God bless you!

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